Mike and Eli have and are thinking up a new movie script with outfits, that Eli will put together for them both. The pictures below is a snapshot of what they are thinking and dreaming up about their movie. Eli and Mike have thoughts about bringing other kids into this theatrical endeavor, so more outfits may need to be made. I am so amazed at the insight that Eli has when it comes to outfits, thinking of scripts, imagining set design, costumes and how to involve others.
As Eli is 14 years old now, I see her interests blossoming at a rate
that amazes me. In the past when something she didn't know how to do
came up, she would condemn herself, and think she couldn't overcome the
deficit. She is strengthening her character to the point that when she
comes up with a difficulty, she learns about it and works through it. I
am so proud of her. That is a trait many adults struggle with.
Some time ago, Eli had put together a PVC pipe airplane, in hopes she could actually fly or get some lift. She didn't consider aerodynamics nor did she consult her dad, an airplane mechanic with over 22 years experience in the field. We gave her license to pursue this endeavor, letting her know it may not come to success. She was ok with that, and just determined to see the project through. On flight day, we took the very heavy contraption to a large field where she attempted to get lift off. She was surprised how much it failed. She was weepy for a short time, but we all gave her high fives because of the effort she put forth into the project. She learned that sometimes she will need expert advice when concepts are over her head. But also that even failing is success when she tried something she hadn't before. I am so grateful these lessons are being learned as Roy and I can support and love her through them.